Good News Ministries


  • South Asia
Main Activities:
  • Equipping/discipleship of the local church/weekly services.
  • Bible school at the local church
  • Evangelistic services in other cities
  • Outreaches (giving out Bibles)
  • Visits and services at church members’ homes on weekly basis
  • Monthly financial help to the families in need
  • Taking church families out to eat (one family at a time) once a month.
  • Children ministry
  • Translation ministry
  • Youth and young-adults ministry
  •  Make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20)
  •  To equip the saints, teach them so they can teach others (2 Timothy 2:2)
  •  Pure and spotless bride made ready (Ephesians 5:27)
Some Interesting Facts:
  • K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest.
  • Also called the eighth wonder of the world or the friendship highway, the Karakoram Highway is the highest road ever built.
  • Here you find the Khewra salt mines. Khewra mines are the second largest in the world.
  •  People here believe that everyone who is born in a Christian family automatically becomes a Christian. Christianity is just a religion to them. We teach people that they have to make a personal decision and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and be born again. It is sometimes very hard because people don’t see the need to be born again and believe they are Christians already because they are not born in a Muslim or a Hindu family. Our ministry mainly reaches these “Christians”.
  • In this region of the world, there is a “Blasphemy law” which is 99.9% misused. We basically have to be willing to die to reach a non-Christian!
  • Preach the Gospel in every season.
  • Go into other parts of the world, reach people and get them hooked up in the local church.
  • Own a house. We not only want to own a house but want to own a large house to be able to offer our home as a host home to traveling ministers and to use our home for cell groups.We are encouraged to believe for partners and ask God for a house for ourselves after we read Nehemiah 2:7-8. People usually just share about church related things and never share about their personal needs because of what people might think about them. After reading the scripture, we are encouraged to share that we need a house for us.
Prayer Requests: 
We are led by God to go to the north and distribute hundreds of Bibles to “Christians” and non-Christians. This is a very unsafe area to reach, but we believe that God is calling us to it. We want to go with a few other young men from of church. Please pray for planning and finances to make this trip a reality and also for the safety and protection when we go.
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