

    • Mali, West Africa in the villages of Solo, Manantali and Sonfara

Main Activities

    • Love God Love People Ministry is an evangelical project we started in 2007 in Sollo, a village in Southwestern Mali. Love God Love People Ministry’s objectives are to stop, through evangelism, any form of Islamic radicalism as this could be conducive to the Jihad war such as is happening in Mali and the Sahel at large, to empower the Christian minority to change the religious landscape through quality education, and to help unemployed Christians who are persecuted become self supporting by providing small job opportunities for them, so that they will no longer depend on Muslim relatives or neighbors who pressure them into renouncing their religion.
    • Love God Love People Ministry has a radio station called KanuYah FM Sollo. We started this radio in 2008. We broadcast 24 hours a day and spend 10 to 11 hours everyday evangelizing in seven languages – Mandingo, Khassonké, Bambara, Fulani, Bozo, French and English. Our listenership ranges between 1 ½ and 2 million people. KanuYah means God’s love.
    • Love God Love People Ministry has also a school complex called École le Bon Berger or Good Shepherd School. This comprises a kindergarten, a primary school and a junior secondary, with 96 schoolchildren and 13 teachers in all. It is managed by a team of 4 people and is a bilingual school where children learn English and French from the kindergarten up. Love God Love People Ministry has started an environmental project called RePlan (short for ‘’Restore the Planet’’). This project was born out of our concern over a phenomenon which is at the same time local, countrywide and universal, i.e. desertification. In fact, the greater part of Mali is a vast expanse of sand and little is being done to stop the desert – if anything, large scale deforestation through overexploitation of our natural resources is on the increase, while the crucial need for reforestation is being ignored. This and similar situations throughout the world are among the causes of global warming, a phenomenon seriously threatening any form of life on earth if nothing is done to reverse it.
    • Love God Love People Ministry wants to make people realize that our Father’s plan has never been the destruction, by man himself, of the very planet on which He has placed us. Rather, the earth is a garden we must tend while using its resources for just our needs. Therefore, it is high time we did whatever we can to return it to its previous state or condition as God intended it to be, hence our environmental project, RePlan, now well under way as we have planted thousands of trees. Although yet a very small project, it will certainly awaken or create awareness of the necessity for change, and will thus have a great impact in the medium or long term.

    Click HERE to see the most recent newsletter of this ministry


  • M’Bimba Dembélé Telephone: +223 94 38 02 12 +223 94 38 02 21 Email: Mali, West Africa.