Couples Retreat – November 2022

Ladies Fall Gathering – October 2022

Men’s Retreat – Sept 2022

Photo by fauxels

Business Retreat – April 2022



Tanzania Orphanage and Outreach Ministry


Songbook For April 18, 2021

Annalie Janse Van Rensburg

Annalie was called to full time ministry in 1994. She answered the call and started doing door to door evangelism. The information she gained during the house visitations motivated her to start a Sunday School, which led to Sunday Services, planting of the 1st church (2 more were planted later), Sport Ministry and Soup Kitchen. The need for Pre-Schools touched her heart and today, 25 years later the 6 Pre-Schools (including Shamwari4Jesus) are still running and a 1000’s of kids were fed and were taught about Jesus, their Savior through the years. The impact will be seen in Heaven.
Personally, I see myself as a slave for Christ and the people He loves. I fix my eyes on Him, otherwise the sea of brokenness of the world overwhelms me.
Family-wise I am a daughter, sister, widow, mother and grandmother.

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