Our God is on the GO
And we are privileged to be called to GO
To our God be all the glory for the privilege to give so we can GO
Thank you for being faithful, generous, and sacrificial,
so we can GO to the ends of the earth
Why We Give
We can love, because our God loved us first and showed us how to do that sacrificially and faithfully.
We can give, because our God gave His ALL first and showed us how to do that sacrificially and faithfully.
We give, because...
It is a privilege to partner with the Living God
It brings a deep joy to give
We are so incredibly blessed
We are so incredibly grateful
God never holds back...
Why would we?
May God answer your prayer as you wrestle with: "Lord, why should I give, how much, to whom?"
May God answer the OPG leadership, as we wrestle with: "Let us trust You oh faithful Lord, and be faithful ourselves, with every penny You provide through Your children!"